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order shipping中文是什么意思

用"order shipping"造句"order shipping"怎么读"order shipping" in a sentence


  • 订单出货


  • When i first signed that contract and gave you my business , you said you could get my order shipped immediately .
  • Orders shipped complete
  • Order shipped complete
  • It tells the user " thanks for your order " and sends e - mail with the package tracking number when the order ships
  • We ensure items you purchase at yesasia . com meet your high standards or you can return them for a replacement or refund within 14 days . billed when order shipped
  • The udm knows how to translate that user action into a range of dates , and additionally understands the business rule that says that orders shipped on those dates must be included in the query , not the orders due or ordered on those dates
  • Neither database captures any business rules , such as the fact that to compare quotas with actual sales , the date that the order shipped must be used instead of the many other dates for orders date ordered , date due , data scheduled , and so on
    这两个数据库都不会捕获任何业务规则,例如以下事实:为比较配额和实际销售额,必须使用订单发货日期,而不能使用与订单有关的其他日期(订单日期、订单到期日期、计划日期等) 。
用"order shipping"造句  
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